Color Palette

The correct use of the USPS® brand colors is important to maintain consistency across our digital properties. USPS colors are instantly recognizable and a part of our heritage and personality.

  • Use only the USPS digital color palette
  • Follow accessibility and contrast requirements
  • Use Secondary Palette proportionally

Primary Palette

Our primary colors should be used prominently throughout USPS digital properties.

USPS Digital Blue: #333366
Principle Color
White: #FFFFFF
Text Black: #000000
Primary body text color

Secondary Palette

The Secondary Palette supports the Primary Palette with specific use accent colors, functional grays, and backgrounds.

Specific Use Colors

USPS Digital Red: #E71921
Error/Alert Messaging

Text use only for alerts and error messaging. Limited use as a graphical accent color, including directional accents, alert bars, and error identification.

USPS Digital Green: #218748
Approval, ecommerce/Transaction Buttons

Used for ecommerce point-of-sale and for indicating positive activities like delivery confirmations and payment submissions.

USPS Digital Accent Blue: #3573B1
Graphics accent and alternative text link color.

Used in megamenu, for inline links, and where a contrast to USPS Digital Blue is required.

Functional Grays

Light Background Gray: #F7F7F7
Prominent Background Gray
Background Hover Gray: #EDEDED
Dark Background Gray: #D8D8D8
Text Hover/Form Field Rules Gray: #999999
Text Gray: #595959

Limited use with certain form elements.

Text/Background Combos

The following text/background color combinations meet accessibility color contrast requirements and are the only combinations you should use.


Background: USPS Digital Blue/#333366

Text: White/#FFFFFF

Background Hover Gray

Background: USPS Digital Blue/#333366

Text: Background Hover Gray/#EDEDED

Light Background Gray

Background: USPS Digital Blue/#333366

Text: Light Background Gray/#F7F7F7

USPS Digital Red

Background: USPS Digital Red/#E71921

Text: White/#FFFFFF

Limited Use

USPS Digital Green

Background: USPS Digital Green/#218748

Text: White/#FFFFFF

Limited Use

USPS Digital Blue

Background: White/#FFFFFF

Text: USPS Digital Blue/#333366


Background: White/#FFFFFF

Text: Black/#000000

Limited Use

USPS Digital Red

Background: White/#FFFFFF

Text: USPS Digital Red/#E71921

Limited Use

USPS Digital Accent Blue

Background: White/#FFFFFF

Text: USPS USPS Digital Accent Blue/#3573B1

Limited Use

USPS Digital Accent Blue

Background: Light Background Gray/#F7F7F7

Text: USPS Digital Accent Blue/#3573B1

Limited Use

USPS Digital Green

Background: White/#FFFFFF

Text: USPS Digital Green/#218748

Limited Use

USPS Digital Blue

Background: Light Background Gray/#F7F7F7

Text: USPS Digital Blue/#333366


Background: Light Background Gray/#F7F7F7

Text: Black/#000000

USPS Digital Accent Blue

Background: Light Background Gray/#F7F7F7

Text: USPS Digital Accent Blue/#33573B1

USPS Digital Blue

Background: Hover Background Gray/#EDEDED

Text: USPS Digital Blue/#333366


Background: Hover Background Gray/#EDEDED

Text: Black/#000000

USPS Digital Blue

Background: Dark Background Gray/#D8D8D8

Text: USPS Digital Blue/#333366


Background: Dark Background Gray/#D8D8D8

Text: Black/#000000